Índice de figuras

2.1Transcripción ilustrada de dos oraciones en LSE2.2Distintas conjugaciones del signo Preguntar2.3Ilustración del signo idiomático “No hacer nada”2.4Algunos logogramas de SignoEscritura para la LSE2.5Algunos grafemas para las manos2.6Transcripción en SignoEscritura de la figura 2.13.1Logo del proyecto Visualizando la SignoEscritura3.2Signo del proyecto VisSE3.3Esquema general del proyecto VisSE3.4Anotación visual del signo “mentira/mentir”3.5Proceso de corte de transcripciones dobles3.6Arquitectura completa del pipeline de procesamiento3.7Logo de Quevedo3.8Captura de pantalla de la aplicación web de VisSE3.9Modelo 3D de la mano5.1Object detection task5.2Architecture of the different components of the VisSE project5.3Automatically generated training samples for YOLO6.1SignWriting transcription of the Spanish Sign Language sign for “lie”6.2Visual annotation of the sign “lie/to lie”6.3Three HEAD graphemes6.4On the left some DIAC graphemes from the corpus are shown6.5Some logograms in the corpus which include movements of the hand6.6Small sample of characters that can be found in the Sutton SignWriting fonts to represent different movements of the hand6.7Annotation of sub-segment bounding boxes for movement and forearm markers in some logograms from the corpus6.8Distribution of unique tag combinations in the corpus6.9Distribution of shapes for some classes7.1Graphical example of general bounding box annotation7.2Graphical example of bounding box annotation for some complex trajectories8.1SignWriting transcription for the sign “History” in Spanish Sign Language8.2Some hand graphemes8.3Examples of non-rotating graphemes8.4A selection of movement markers in SignWriting8.5Annotation for a hand grapheme8.6Annotation of the logogram for the sign “History”8.7Full pipeline architecture9.1Modern musical notation as an example of a graphical language9.2An UML communication diagram9.3SignWriting transcription of the Spanish Sign Language sign for “coffee”9.4Example of the use of Quevedo to annotate the graphical language of elementary arithmetic9.5Annotation of a logogram using the Quevedo web interface10.1Example of the annotation of a logogram in the web interface10.2Dataset overview in the web UI10.3Subset listing in the web UI10.4Grapheme annotation in the web UI10.5Logogram annotation in the web UI